Administrator/Admin CV Examples, Template & Tips
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Why should you not include your date of birth on your CV? Putting your date of birth on your CV will always cost you something in the form of wasted space. But it also carries hidden costs that you might not have considered before, like the risk of being discriminated against or facilitating discrimination.
Read on to see a CV example that’s better than nine out of ten out there, and with no date of birth in sight. Find out when you should put your date of birth on a CV (and how to do so) as well as all the reasons for not doing so by default.
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After analysing 6 million CVs created with our builder, we found out that*:
*The data comes from a period of the last 12 months (August 2023-August 2024).
Tegan Porter
078 8888 8888
Personal statement
Proactive and highly motivated administrative assistant with 5+ years of experience working for SMEs in the automotive and logistics industries. Looking for opportunity to boost productivity at Hefty’s Storage through efficient admin support. Recently analysed office supply costs at Igloo Logistics over a 3-month period and reduced expenditure by 20% by avoiding last-minute, small-scale orders.
Work experience
Igloo Logistics, Leeds
February 2018–present
Administrative Assistant
Geller’s Automotive, Bradford
May 2015–January 2018
A-levels: Anthropology, English, History, 2012–2014
Stallman High School, Leeds
8 GCSEs (including Mathematics and English), 2010–2012
Stallman High School, Leeds
The first question you might have is: Do you put date of birth on a CV? In most cases, it is not recommended to include your date of birth on a CV. Under the Equality Act of 2010, it is illegal to discriminate against individuals on the basis of age in areas such as employment. If you're not receiving responses to your CV when applying for a job, try to remove your CV date of birth.
On the other hand, you might sometimes be able to benefit from including your date of birth on your CV when you suspect a given employer prefers people from a certain age group. Some work is better performed by people of a certain age than others. But ultimately, you should not include your date of birth on your CV unless you were asked to do so.
Tegan Porter
078 8888 8888
A strong CV summary will convince the recruiter you’re the perfect candidate. Save time and choose a ready-made personal statement written by career experts and adjust it to your needs in the LiveCareer CV builder.
Age is a ‘Protected Characteristic’ according to the Equality Act 2010. Discriminating against someone on the basis of their age is prohibited by the Act. You can assume that people generally act in good faith, but still it’s best not to expose yourself to risk unnecessarily. Leave your age out of the equation.
What is more, a date of birth on your CV shows that you’re out of touch. This is one of those less obvious disadvantages of including your date of birth on a CV. Whatever the other arguments for or against putting a DOB on your CV, the simple fact of the matter is that it’s just not the done thing anymore.
So you know that it’s best avoided if at all possible, but when do you need to put your date of birth on a CV? If you’re applying for a job that requires applicants to be over 18, then a date of birth might be a good idea. Although it’s no more ‘proof’ then a simple statement like ‘I am over 18 years old’.
Some employers will simply require you to give your age or date of birth without explaining why. If it’s a concern to you, then you could certainly ask them why they need this information. Otherwise, if everything seems above board then there’s no reason not to put your date of birth on your CV in such cases.
Tegan Porter
Phone: 078 8888 8888
Email: tegan.j.porter@lcmail.co.uk
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/tegannporter
DOB: 28 January 1996
The most logical place to include your date of birth on your CV is in the CV header, where your contact details are located. Put your date of birth last, after your contact details. It used to be that a range of personal details would go here, but these days it’s reserved for contact details, profile links, etc.
There’s no one format for either the label (‘Date of Birth’, DOB, etc.) or the actual date. It’s best to use a label of some kind, though—otherwise an orphaned date might cause some confusion for your reader. Format your date using any of these CV layouts:
Date of Birth: 28 January 1996
DOB: 28 January 1996
Not including a date of birth on your CV isn’t the only way you can bring it into the 21st Century. Keep in mind the following basic formatting rules:
Proofread and check your CV and cover letter for spelling and grammar mistakes. Then check them again. Get someone to look over them for you if you can—it’s absolutely vital that anything you submit be flawless. It’s not a matter of having good English skills but rather attention to detail and conscientiousness.
You don’t have to be a CV writing expert. In the LiveCareer CV builder you’ll find ready-made content for every industry and position, which you can then add with a single click.
Has this article answered your questions about date of birth on a CV? I hope so. Please let us know in the comments section below if you’d like me to elaborate on anything I’ve touched on here. Questions on CV's date of birth? Leave any comment, feedback or advice of your own that you’d like to share.
Our editorial team has reviewed this article for compliance with Livecareer’s editorial guidelines. It’s to ensure that our expert advice and recommendations are consistent across all our career guides and align with current CV and cover letter writing standards and trends. We’re trusted by over 10 million job seekers, supporting them on their way to finding their dream job. Each article is preceded by research and scrutiny to ensure our content responds to current market trends and demand.
About the author
Since 2013, the LiveCareer UK team has shared the best advice to help you advance your career. Experts from our UK editorial team have written more than one hundred guides on how to write the perfect CV or cover letter.
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Date of birth on cv
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